Sunday, May 27, 2012

Interesting Questions

A friend of mine's father has a set of questions he likes to ask friends. What would your answers be? (Answers are supposed to be short.)

1. What is the Universe made of?
2. What is the nature of mind?
3. How did the Universe begin?
4. What is going to happen to the humankind?
5. What is the role of the evolution in your worldview?
6. What is the origin and the nature of goodness in the world?
7. What is the origin and the nature of evil in the world?
8. Is there free will?
9. What is the meaning of life?
10. How do you find the truth?
11. How do you find happiness?
12. What about the extraterrestrial intelligence?
13. What happens when you die?

----- My Answers -----

1. What is the Universe made of? energy and ideas

2. What is the nature of mind? obsession, and it comes in many varieties

3. How did the Universe begin? smaaaall particles, biiiig bang

4. What is going to happen to the humankind? zombie apocalypse

5. What is the role of the evolution in your worldview? it happened, it's still happening, now I think computers are greatly shaping the intensity and speed of evolution

6. What is the origin and the nature of goodness in the world? god (to each their own definition)

7. What is the origin and the nature of evil in the world? instinct/power

8. Is there free will? yes, we all make our own choices given our circumstances caused by our choices etc etc

9. What is the meaning of life? to connect with others in meaningful ways so that your memes and genes can continue long after you do

10. How do you find the truth? there is no singular truth, only bits of truth that exist in the moment

11. How do you find happiness? through peace and love

12. What about the extraterrestrial intelligence? odds are for it, especially since there is no clear definition of what "intelligence" is

13. What happens when you die? that's the big question, isn't it? can't be too bad, at least I hope not

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Stretch Marks...

Were those from before I got pregnant???

I surely hope so. Cause I'm not that big now...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Good Things

In contrast with the things I will hold over baby's head in the future, here are some things I love about being pregnant:

1. Great hair

2. My skin has never looked better

3. No periods!

4. I love my pregnant body! I know a lot of women complain about "wanting their body back" but I've never felt so natural or confident in myself. I haven't "let myself go" in terms of food (not any more than usual at least) and probably have been better about what I eat to keep my BP down and giving baby healthier foods. I grow bigger every day, it seems, and I can barely tell... unless I look down, of course!

5. I loved having a super-human sense of smell. Unfortunately it did come when everything made me queasy, but it was fun to know exactly what else was in every room I occupied

6. Being able to wear stretchy clothes all the time -- it's great to have an excuse to be comfortable!

7. Feeling a human being inside of me. Pretty much the most amazing feeling someone could ever have, though I have to admit, I've never tried heroin. 

Today I did a little shopping. A friend recommended Sweet Repeats, a maternity and children's clothing consignment shop on Miami Circle. Don't go there, because then you might also buy all the clothes I want to buy from there! Everything is super quality and at an amazing price. I don't think there's a reason to buy kids clothes from anywhere else.

I cannot wait til baby boy can fit into this!!! I almost started crying on the way home from buying this, thinking about how much I already love my little child...
Daddy likes collared shirts. Never too soon to look sharp.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Road Peeves

Two completely simple signs of respect on the road:

1. Turn signals

2. Waving 'thank you' when someone has clearly let you in

On the road today, barely anyone used these two methods of safe and respectful driving. We should install some kind of shock system in people's cars for when they turn without using the turn signal, so maybe we can learn them some good manners.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Oh boy

Called my midwife to talk about prenatal charges etc... boy it is expensive to have a kid! Next time I'm just doing it in the bathtub at home!

Dropped my husband off this morning at the airport so he could go to the Caribbean without me. I can't believe I didn't join him due to baby. But this week was filled with wonderful time spent with him: party, Braves game (they won!), and the symphony (Russian composer night... fantastic!)

This should be a fun weekend! Lots of quality time with my parents... Off to work I go, hi ho, hi ho

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I had never heard of gluten until about two years ago when a friend of mine had a gluten allergy. Now, it seems like everyone is allergic to wheat. And Neal Boortz was talking today about a book called Wheat Belly, saying we should all read it and remove wheat from our diets in order to save our health. I checked out some reviews on Amazon and will probably be ordering the book soon. But how will I ever give up pizza? Dessert? Bread? Maybe I can just make all these things with almond flour? Order corn tortillas at Mexican restaurants?

And then in Dr. Denmark's book she says humans should not drink milk (and lay low on dairy products in general) after the age of 7 months. And never should we drink cow's milk. Apparently it does terrible things to the body. She lived to be 114, in great health, so maybe she knows what she's talking about? She also lived the last 64 years of her life sans sugar (except in fruit). Oh jeez.

Two of my favorite things to eat in all the world are noodles and cheese.

Turns out nothing is natural anymore and it is all killing us. We think tobacco is bad? Obesity is surpassing it in terms of deaths and diseases; the medical bills for this country are extremely high.

Maybe Dave and I will just have to move out to the country, grow our own food and meat, and then we can avoid the scariness of modern living.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I've been thinking lately about "mommyhood". Is it work? Is it a job? What is it? My interest is always sparked by women's studies/debates. I enjoyed every women's studies class I took in college and high school, even if I thought some of the points were extreme. They always made me look at society differently. However, now that I think about it, they weren't necessarily historically based. They always spoke about current issues, or barely talked about the last 50-75 years. Anyway.

I had an acquaintance blogger recently write about how being a mother is easy (Everyone and anyone can do it. It also only involves keeping the child alive til the age of 18), it is not a job (there is no financial compensation), and his views won't change if he ever becomes a father (he bases his opinions on "facts", even though he doesn't spend time around children or have any of his own).

This pushed my buttons. Mainly because I am/will be a mother very shortly (oh my goodness, three months to go!) and the plan so far is for me to be a SAHM. Yes, you read that right. Two college degrees will go toward raising my children. Given my career path so far, it doesn't make financial sense for daycare to be an option (this could possibly change in the future; one never knows). Though of course there is Grandparent Daycare to consider! I would also like to home school my children. I want to raise them every day. I don't want to leave my genetic material to be controlled and influenced by strangers and government schools. I know my own qualifications and I think I have pretty good ones. Luckily so does the father of my child!

Let's give credit where credit is due. Someone has to earn the money. I admire those who can do it all and raise happy, productive children. They are superwomen. Most people luckily get a teammate. I think it is difficult to have to go to work every day in order to provide but know you're missing a lot of the child-raising action. And then there are SAHD. Mommyhood is not just reserved for women.

Why are there people out there who look negatively on women who stay at home with children? It is difficult, involves sacrifices, and to be successful at it one would have to be smart and dedicated. Do their research. Not be lazy. A full-time working mother could be questioned as selfish... why did she decide to have children? If she's a poor, single mother, that would make me wonder all the more. But... I don't do that. I know that every woman and her desires are different. They are all valid.  

But, most of all, I need to remember not to judge myself. I am probably my own harshest critic. There are days I wonder if I'll ever be successful if I don't have that job that everyone else covets... but what if I did get that job and never had children? Is it time well spent or money earned that makes a life worthwhile? A mixture of both? Every person has his own answer to that question. We each only get one life to live. And I know that being a wife and mother makes mine worth it every minute, every day.

I would suggest reading Dr. Denmark said it! a book written by the longest practicing pediatrician (75 years). She happens to be from Alpharetta, GA. A member of our church gave us a copy when he found out we were pregnant. It was so fascinating that I read it in one day, but I can tell it will be a book I go to again and again.

Look at that belly! I'm 24 weeks in this picture. Our boy is about a pound and a half. I've gained five at this point! Petra sure likes it; more cushion for cuddling!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Today is Dave's and my first anniversary! We celebrated in style. I picked him up at work to go to a Vietnamese restaurant near his office for lunch after my six month check up! Isn't the first anniversary present supposed to be paper, not a baby??? We might be quick about it, but we like it this way. Baby is doing great. His heart is mature, and he's probably close to a pound and a half... He better be gaining weight if I'm popping out every day like I feel like I am!

Tonight our parents, pastor, and a few close friends came over for cake and champagne to help us celebrate. These were the people who helped us the most for our wedding, and it was absolutely lovely to be able to be with them again one year later. I can't believe it's already been a year. I had the baker from PDC make us a small version of the cake (I don't eat year old cake though my in-laws saved our cake top all year for us), and I had a glass of pink champagne... baby liked it too!

Yesterday was Mother's Day... am I a mother already? I certainly have a child... not outside my body yet, but there is one that I take care of every day, he responds to his dad's voice, and he plays around in my belly... I appreciated the people who told me happy mother's day or happy mother-to-be day.

Having really nice friends and family makes me one happy mama.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Petra is the most affectionate cat I've ever known. She really likes to cuddle. She likes to both snuggle and get in affection mode where she purrs and falls off the bed trying to get petted more and more... this is a wonderful thing. I love it. She's funny though, cause she's started this thing recently where she'll purposefully go into another room in order to meow very loudly at you demanding attention. She'll cry like she's dying. All you have to do is call to her and tell her to come to you, and she trots over to you meowing and purring and then settles down. What a funny cat!

I've decided I'm going to make a list so I don't forget them when they're really needed. Here are the things so far that I can use to guilt trip my child when he is much older:
3 months of neverending, horrible nausea
carpal tunnel syndrome
early morning leg cramps
my beautiful belly button turning into a outie, even temporarily
not being able to wear earrings

Today was my younger cousin's bridal shower. It was a lot of fun! I really enjoy that our family is close, and we're all happy and married/getting married/having kids/dogs... She lives right now in NYC but they have plans to come down here a year from now... I'm excited. She and I grew up as best friends, drifted apart since middle school... but who knows. Maybe our kids will grow up together again since all Dave's and my siblings live out of town and my cousins in town don't want kids...

Life is good when you've had egg casserole for brunch!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fixing Stuff

The pressure washer was broken this weekend... and then Dave managed to fix it! The engine seized, and Dave, after 30 years of various experience, had the determination to take the engine apart and get it working again. That certainly would have been an unexpected cost of home improvement. I should shower him with gifts like the king he is...

What about the problems that seem to be never-ending in the US? Violence, a failing health care system, an awful education system, social injustices, a lack of insight into our energy consumption, privacy and independence being taken away daily, the dismissal of reading books, waning attention spans, meaningful connections being lost in Facebook, a thoroughly divided country on almost every political line... what else???

When will this engine seize? It cannot possibly continue forever at this pace. And how will we possibly get it started again when it does? I have no ideas how to fix a single broken piece. I almost can't stand to watch it anymore either.

The worldwide connections we have in 2012 were unfathomable 20 years ago. Instantaneous information, the inability to delay gratification, and a network so large we cannot possibly know it all. We wonder why we feel so alone in this world where everything is at the tips of our fingers. What do we prove when we continuously post pictures of ourselves and tweet our every thought? Maybe I want to stay in my world without hashtags and the evolving internet society.

An interesting TED talk on the subject: Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone?

I just don't think it's fun. It's a competition I don't want to win. I want to find genuine connection in real life, where people show up when they're supposed to. Where they respect and reciprocate. Where they care.

In other good news, our new carpet was apparently made out of clouds and heaven. 

Also, I am not sure when the baby in my stomach was replaced by a popcorn maker. What could he possibly be doing in there? Oh jeez, I hope I have enough energy for this kid when he comes out!

my favorite pregnant picture so far: at 22 weeks

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Baby must have been trying out for the Olympic gymnastics team yesterday. I hope he made it!

As I said before, I love lilies. These are ones we planted two years ago.

This week/weekend we only have to dismantle the inside of the house once more... Master bathroom will be done today, and our new carpet comes Saturday! I am not looking forward to clearing out the closets and taking apart my desk contents etc... but one day of work, and it'll all be worth it. No more bunched carpet and twenty year old stains.

Then, a mega cleaning before our anniversary cake party. I'm looking forward to tasting our wedding cake again! And having a few people over to celebrate a year of being married! It sure has flown by... One day we'll be celebrating our fiftieth anniversary and asking where all the time has gone...

If you have a second, check out Kelly McFarling's "Watered." It's my new favorite song.