Friday, March 30, 2012

American Girl

I got into the American Girl collection a year before I was too old to really enjoy playing with dolls... so, about 20, right? Actually, I think I was around 11 or 12, and I liked the Addy collection the best. My mother didn't really want me to get the slave girl, but I was insistent. Over time I ended up getting Felicity (1774), Kirsten (1854), Addy (1864), Samantha (1904) and a few of their belongings. My parents and grandparents were very generous with me!

I don't know if it's the baby or finding out through a babysitting charge that they no longer sell the dolls I assumed I would continue collecting when I had my own daughter(s), but I've become re-interested. Mind you, this consists of looking at their collections online, not buying them. I've managed to have some self control since this obsession has overtaken me. But I have been rereading the books that tell the stories of each character. You know, to see if they're acceptable for my own children to read in that distant future when I only allow them books and toys that educate them as well as entertain...

I've found that indeed, they are good books. For a young adult reader, they explain some historical moments with a candid (albeit short) nature. As a history graduate, I appreciate that. It's not overwhelming, but it's an opening into some good discussions about where our country came from. It's the thing I most love about history: to learn about the past while delving in as if it's a storybook. For without the past, how can we possibly know where we are going?

One reason I am avoiding facebook these days is that I was tired of the political nature of its content. Now, I had mostly used it as a way to spread political ideas and articles (much to my chagrin that it seemed none of my friends were interested), but... maybe I just got tired of trying to talk to what seemed like a wall. Every person has his or her own version of politics. We all come from different backgrounds, have different histories, and we all want different things out of life. Some of us don't even know what exactly we want out of life! But we live each day, each minute, no matter what, until that day we don't get that chance anymore.

Every moment is our chance to shine, to enjoy, and to show what type of American Girl (or Guy) we are... Unless, of course, you're from a different country...

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I've always believed myself to be a creative person. My mother is very artistic, so I must have gotten it from her. My dad sang in musicals 40 years ago, but that's about the extent I know of his desire to create -- at least in the "normal" sense of the word. I have dabbled in writing, photography, painting, charcoal, sewing, ceramics, scrapbooking, interior decorating, graphic design, cooking, and now most recently cross-stitching. I love it. It is meticulous and time-consuming, but so much fun. My mother-in-law showed me how to do it one day recently, and I could barely wait for my own patterns to arrive in the mail to continue. My first project: a birth record for our baby. You know, the kind where you write the name, date, and weight of the newborn. I have most of the design done now!

My plan is also to learn how to quilt. I have band t-shirts from six years of attending concerts, and one day our punk-rock child will love sleeping under his/her Tool blanket, while falling asleep to the music Dave and I have made our baby love... babies have a preference for music they listen to in the womb, correct? Our baby has already been to a Tool concert and Devil Makes Three. I wonder what Scooter thought of it all. Maybe tried to hide deep down in there away from all the loud sounds? Head banging against the placenta?

It is a beautiful thing to feel baby move around inside me. Beautiful, and kind of creepy at the same time. I mean, one day this person will be walking around talking to me, and right now baby is six inches long doing somersaults underneath my belly button. And so far it's not taken more effort to grow him/her than it is for me to digest food after I enjoy it!

Life is all about creating. Creating the atmosphere that makes you happy, creating new life, enjoying the process of creation... I am excited to one day stick this kid in the lopsided clothes I plan on making. I have yet to use the amazing sewing machine we received as a present, but that will end soon. I promise I am not intimidated by the 150 different stitches it knows how to do. OK, I am, but I usually conquer my fears.

Monday, March 26, 2012


It is quite exciting to work in the garden. Yesterday was a beautiful, warm spring day with a nice breeze... perfect Atlanta weather. Dave and I got out of church and went to Pike's and Publix. At Pike's we invested in some perennials and vegetables. Three kinds of tomatoes (Better Boy, Cherokee Purple, and Brandywine... yum yum yum), basil, and cucumbers. Our berry bushes are already springing up due to the unusually warm weather this winter, and the strawberries are starting to take over the top level of the garden. We're wondering if the watermelons will come in on their own like last year (we deposited some overripe ones in the garden at the end of the summer last year). The selection wasn't phenomenal at Pike's so we're planning on going to Lowe's to get some Thai basil, okra, and peppers, both bell and jalapeno. Dave also wants to try corn, and our peach tree blooms so pretty! Last year I think we overstuffed the garden, and ended up with a sad crop. This year we're trying to keep the peace. Let the battle of the bugs and squirrels begin!

I am in love with lilies. They are by far my favorite plant, coming back every year to surprise me with their beauty and color. We already have several lily plants in the garden, and I added a few more bulbs, some daisies, and other purple flowers. Then I got several packets of seeds to spread throughout what will hereafter be known as our Perennial Garden. Dave and I have slowly morphed the space in front of our porch. There used to be huge box hedges we removed last Easter weekend. Then we made a low stone wall and moved the extra dirt from our yard to create a little garden in a place where grass hated to grow. Of course all the dirt promotes weeds etc. And the oak tree tries to make an oak forest every year we have to pluck from the ground. I am terribly proud of our accomplishments, and I know Shogo, resting peacefully in the garden, will enjoy the beautiful colors for years to come.

Publix is a nice place to shop, albeit expensive. We got supplies for the week and dough to make pizza last night. We have enjoyed making homemade pizza ever since we got our pizza stone as a wedding gift, but Jenna and Jacob might have started a trend with "Pizza Sundays", a mighty fine way to spend a Sunday night. One pepperoni and one pepperoni, sausage, and green pepper means lots of yummy leftovers too!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

From a nursery point of view

The paint guys at Lowe's have started to recognize us, fear us coming, wave and then run down another aisle... just kidding. They ask how the painting is coming along, and what else do we need that day? We had a yellow emergency yesterday while Gary was getting the nursery done. Turns out there is no such thing as bright, creamy yellow. It will always turn out to be a polleny, highlighter color. Luckily there are a million other yellows you can choose from. A quick decision and back to the grind.

The house, pretty to begin with, is slowly transforming to magnificent. Dave is a kind husband who watches my crazy with patient eyes and then accomplishes any tasks I set out for him to do. I am a lucky woman.

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. A day for green people to wander the streets drunk. Since I am not partaking in the drink lately, it is amusing to drive through the heavily bar-populated areas of town and watch how many try to fall out in front of the car... drinking through the 85 degree day will make you tired and uncoordinated by 11:30pm! This year we skipped winter, and quite possibly spring (though the pollen sure hasn't lacked any vengeance), and ran buck wild into summer. Some people fear the oncoming summer. I don't. I've decided not to worry about earthly changes until the zombie apocalypse. The earth is far smarter than any collection of humans (no matter how many) are. The earth will survive much longer than we will. I just hope to enjoy the time I have, no matter how long it is. None of us know when the piper will come calling.

Meanwhile, there are never-ending to-do lists to cross off.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Classical music

makes me want to drive faster. Apparently. That or driving around my mother's 2012 Altima. It made our whole garage smell like new car. I hoped that beautiful smell would stay when I got my car back from the shop. It didn't.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Creative Blueberry

That name popped into my head one day and I knew I wanted to use it as a title for something... Don't plan on only seeing it on this blog.

That's pretty much how we're going to name our child. I keep having dreams about our baby and the names just come to me... some I don't even like!

I've decided to quit Facebook. I'm like an alcoholic who has realized he's drunk more alcohol than he needs in a lifetime - his Fair Share, if you will - so maybe I'll write down my thoughts in this blog (my last one only had a few posts) so people won't completely lose touch with me. You know, except for seeing me in person, emailing me, calling me, writing me letters...

I miss the world when I didn't have a cell phone and a computer at my fingertips. I remember playing in our creek all day and riding bikes through my neighborhood like I was training horses like in the books I used to read. I am ready to move out of the city again. The city has treated me well, but it is time to get back to nature, to have space between my neighbors and me, and to give our children some room to grow. That probably won't happen for a few years, but I'm still looking forward to it.

Meanwhile, here we go!