Monday, March 26, 2012


It is quite exciting to work in the garden. Yesterday was a beautiful, warm spring day with a nice breeze... perfect Atlanta weather. Dave and I got out of church and went to Pike's and Publix. At Pike's we invested in some perennials and vegetables. Three kinds of tomatoes (Better Boy, Cherokee Purple, and Brandywine... yum yum yum), basil, and cucumbers. Our berry bushes are already springing up due to the unusually warm weather this winter, and the strawberries are starting to take over the top level of the garden. We're wondering if the watermelons will come in on their own like last year (we deposited some overripe ones in the garden at the end of the summer last year). The selection wasn't phenomenal at Pike's so we're planning on going to Lowe's to get some Thai basil, okra, and peppers, both bell and jalapeno. Dave also wants to try corn, and our peach tree blooms so pretty! Last year I think we overstuffed the garden, and ended up with a sad crop. This year we're trying to keep the peace. Let the battle of the bugs and squirrels begin!

I am in love with lilies. They are by far my favorite plant, coming back every year to surprise me with their beauty and color. We already have several lily plants in the garden, and I added a few more bulbs, some daisies, and other purple flowers. Then I got several packets of seeds to spread throughout what will hereafter be known as our Perennial Garden. Dave and I have slowly morphed the space in front of our porch. There used to be huge box hedges we removed last Easter weekend. Then we made a low stone wall and moved the extra dirt from our yard to create a little garden in a place where grass hated to grow. Of course all the dirt promotes weeds etc. And the oak tree tries to make an oak forest every year we have to pluck from the ground. I am terribly proud of our accomplishments, and I know Shogo, resting peacefully in the garden, will enjoy the beautiful colors for years to come.

Publix is a nice place to shop, albeit expensive. We got supplies for the week and dough to make pizza last night. We have enjoyed making homemade pizza ever since we got our pizza stone as a wedding gift, but Jenna and Jacob might have started a trend with "Pizza Sundays", a mighty fine way to spend a Sunday night. One pepperoni and one pepperoni, sausage, and green pepper means lots of yummy leftovers too!

1 comment:

  1. We should find a way to combine the best of both worlds and grow a pizza tree. Love you.
