Thursday, March 29, 2012


I've always believed myself to be a creative person. My mother is very artistic, so I must have gotten it from her. My dad sang in musicals 40 years ago, but that's about the extent I know of his desire to create -- at least in the "normal" sense of the word. I have dabbled in writing, photography, painting, charcoal, sewing, ceramics, scrapbooking, interior decorating, graphic design, cooking, and now most recently cross-stitching. I love it. It is meticulous and time-consuming, but so much fun. My mother-in-law showed me how to do it one day recently, and I could barely wait for my own patterns to arrive in the mail to continue. My first project: a birth record for our baby. You know, the kind where you write the name, date, and weight of the newborn. I have most of the design done now!

My plan is also to learn how to quilt. I have band t-shirts from six years of attending concerts, and one day our punk-rock child will love sleeping under his/her Tool blanket, while falling asleep to the music Dave and I have made our baby love... babies have a preference for music they listen to in the womb, correct? Our baby has already been to a Tool concert and Devil Makes Three. I wonder what Scooter thought of it all. Maybe tried to hide deep down in there away from all the loud sounds? Head banging against the placenta?

It is a beautiful thing to feel baby move around inside me. Beautiful, and kind of creepy at the same time. I mean, one day this person will be walking around talking to me, and right now baby is six inches long doing somersaults underneath my belly button. And so far it's not taken more effort to grow him/her than it is for me to digest food after I enjoy it!

Life is all about creating. Creating the atmosphere that makes you happy, creating new life, enjoying the process of creation... I am excited to one day stick this kid in the lopsided clothes I plan on making. I have yet to use the amazing sewing machine we received as a present, but that will end soon. I promise I am not intimidated by the 150 different stitches it knows how to do. OK, I am, but I usually conquer my fears.

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