Thursday, December 6, 2012

Ask & Ye Shall Receive

Dave and I were decorating the Christmas tree last night, and I was talking to him about getting Walter a baby's first Christmas ornament. I am a very sentimental person, especially with personalized items, mementos, photographs and such. I said we had three options: we could make one, we could buy one, or we could wait and see if someone gives us one. I am a very crafty person, so the idea of making one was appealing. We made clay foot and hand prints already (no, it was not frustrating trying to get a 3 1/2 month old to cooperate with us, the wet clay, and the vision I had), but they were way too heavy to hang on a Douglas Fir branch. As I was looking at my own ornaments I made as a child, I was very excited to make such things with Walter.

It was a beautiful night, we had wrapped up with the house decorations, and Dave went outside to enjoy the stillness. He brought back inside a package addressed to Master Walter Warford. It was small. Dave asked me if I thought it might contain the very object I had been asking for. Upon opening it, it was a very lovely silver ornament expressing the very memory I wanted to keep! How thoughtful of the universe to put that idea in a generous friend's head! And to get it on the night we were decorating the tree... well, that's just what the Christmas spirit is all about.

Detouring today on the way home from picking up our Christmas cards, I saw we have a very small, very religious university right here in our neighborhood. I told Walter that he could go to elementary, high school, and college all within walking distance of our house. I think he was grateful that he was asleep and didn't hear my suggestion.

My two handsome men

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