Thursday, July 5, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

This has been a very physically exhausting week, but very fun too!

The 43rd Peachtree Road Race was on a very beautiful morning. It's such a fun race. They really pump you up: lots of DJs, bands, fans cheering you on, costumes, etc... A great Atlanta tradition. It just feels so wonderful to be a part of the fun. Dave and I decided in March (when you put your names in for the lottery) that we would get me a number and finalize closer to race day if I would actually participate. I have to say, I'm glad I accomplished that goal. However, I don't think I'll be walking the Peachtree 7+ months pregnant again. The first 5 miles were a breeze (and there was a nice breeze!) but that last 1.2 was really trying. I was cramping a lot with a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, probably more than is good for you. I felt a little dizzy until I ate a peanut/fruit bar. I'm not sure I could have ingested more water along the way (though why were there no water stands after mile 5???). The greatest part was the support I got throughout the race. Dave made a sign to put on my back that said "Baby on Board! 7 months along & 6.2 miles to go!" and at least 100 people must have come up to us saying congrats and asking about the baby! Dave said he was going to ask all those people to come by the labor room to help us get to the finish line there too! It took us 2 hours 18 minutes to finish. Definitely not a PR, but something to be proud of. At least we weren't last. Close to it though!

Maybe it would have been an easier race if we hadn't gone tubing on Sunday. My annual tubing adventure (year 8!) was wonderful, but also exhausting. The water was low so there was a lot of maneuvering around rocks and such. It was as hot as the dickens out there (thank goodness we were in deliciously cool water). But the river and company were as beautiful as always, and Dave and I thought about what it would be like to bring baby in a few years with us. It's so exciting to know we'll be sharing our lives with a little one (who won't be little for long). I am positive that our adventures won't stop once scooter gets here. I don't want to be one of those couples who thinks of "the good ole days" pre-baby. Life just isn't like that.

Congrats, little boy, on your first Peachtree race (you'll be much faster outside the womb), your first tubing adventure, and all your other firsts!

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