Yesterday I popped on over to my midwife's office (they're up in Alpharetta) because of some unusual cramping. It had just gone on too long, and my mother and aunt were right, I'd rather have some peace of mind and not spend the weekend worrying (even though I had an upcoming appointment on Tuesday). Before little boy started kicking all the time, I used to worry that he could just be, well, not alive in there. Even though that makes no sense. I guess I just wanted to prepare myself for the worst. Which brings me to wonder, what's going to happen when he's out of my womb, breathing air and fending for himself without my constant help? Am I just going to have to sit there watching him breathe all day and night? Somehow I don't think that's going to work!
Turns out everything is fine, of course. No premature labor at all. They did an ultrasound to double check, and I thought I was going to be able to see little boy again, but I was not! I only got to see the outline of his little skull. He's head down right now, yay!, but somehow I don't think he'll stay that way for the next few months. But anyway, I was really disappointed when I didn't get to see him. It's been about two months since my last tummy ultrasound, and I wanted to see how much bigger he was, and if he looked more like a human than a monkey at this point. Boy I hope so! I also realized how much I miss him. I'm never going to be closer to him than I am right now, but I don't get to see him or hold him! And I want to!
Apparently the length of your pregnancy tends to run in families. At lunch yesterday with my mother and grandmother I learned that all of my grandma's babies were early (2-4 weeks) and my brother and I were both early too. I wonder if that means little boy will be here sooner than we think? Each pregnancy is different, so there are of course no guarantees, but I just have this feeling he'll be here the beginning of August. I will laugh in the late August heat if I am wrong! His due date is my grandma's birthday, so maybe he'll grace us that day just to prove a point!
We felt little boy hiccup for the first time last night. Dave came into the room after some video game playing and asked me if he was awake. I said yes, he is, he's making these little movements. I didn't even think too much more about the rhythmic little beats until Dave, with his hand on my tummy, said, "I think he's hiccuping!" It lasted a couple of minutes and felt like a heartbeat in my belly. What a funny sensation! I love knowing that he's growing more and more accomplished as a regular human being.
This weekend we have plans galore. Tonight we'll be at the Braves game with the Johnstons. Row 12; I hope we're behind the netting! They smashed through the Miami Marlins, so I wonder if we have the stamina to win tonight as well. I hope so. It's so much more fun to go to a winning game than a losing one. As long as we don't get creamed I'll be happy.
Saturday is my cousin's engagement party. A fancy shindig at my aunt's house (the oldest one, not my cousin's mother). Luckily Boo Johnston bought me a wonderful dress to wear! I have some sundresses given to me by some very generous friends that are done with their maternity clothes, but it's just not the same as having your own nice dress to wear (and one that fits specifically you!). I shall venture out in heels but plan on bringing flip flops just in case. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to spend more time with my cousin and her fiance. I've only met him once, but he seemed like a very nice guy.
Sunday we're meeting with our doula. I'm quite excited to talk about our birth plan, and hopefully Alice will have some inside information into North Fulton Hospital. She's already expressed approval at how mom-friendly the hospital is supposed to be. I'm not surprised since the practice I go to is very natural and amiable. My midwife had 86% of mothers give birth naturally last year! Incredible!
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