Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I had never heard of gluten until about two years ago when a friend of mine had a gluten allergy. Now, it seems like everyone is allergic to wheat. And Neal Boortz was talking today about a book called Wheat Belly, saying we should all read it and remove wheat from our diets in order to save our health. I checked out some reviews on Amazon and will probably be ordering the book soon. But how will I ever give up pizza? Dessert? Bread? Maybe I can just make all these things with almond flour? Order corn tortillas at Mexican restaurants?

And then in Dr. Denmark's book she says humans should not drink milk (and lay low on dairy products in general) after the age of 7 months. And never should we drink cow's milk. Apparently it does terrible things to the body. She lived to be 114, in great health, so maybe she knows what she's talking about? She also lived the last 64 years of her life sans sugar (except in fruit). Oh jeez.

Two of my favorite things to eat in all the world are noodles and cheese.

Turns out nothing is natural anymore and it is all killing us. We think tobacco is bad? Obesity is surpassing it in terms of deaths and diseases; the medical bills for this country are extremely high.

Maybe Dave and I will just have to move out to the country, grow our own food and meat, and then we can avoid the scariness of modern living.

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