Saturday, March 17, 2012

From a nursery point of view

The paint guys at Lowe's have started to recognize us, fear us coming, wave and then run down another aisle... just kidding. They ask how the painting is coming along, and what else do we need that day? We had a yellow emergency yesterday while Gary was getting the nursery done. Turns out there is no such thing as bright, creamy yellow. It will always turn out to be a polleny, highlighter color. Luckily there are a million other yellows you can choose from. A quick decision and back to the grind.

The house, pretty to begin with, is slowly transforming to magnificent. Dave is a kind husband who watches my crazy with patient eyes and then accomplishes any tasks I set out for him to do. I am a lucky woman.

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. A day for green people to wander the streets drunk. Since I am not partaking in the drink lately, it is amusing to drive through the heavily bar-populated areas of town and watch how many try to fall out in front of the car... drinking through the 85 degree day will make you tired and uncoordinated by 11:30pm! This year we skipped winter, and quite possibly spring (though the pollen sure hasn't lacked any vengeance), and ran buck wild into summer. Some people fear the oncoming summer. I don't. I've decided not to worry about earthly changes until the zombie apocalypse. The earth is far smarter than any collection of humans (no matter how many) are. The earth will survive much longer than we will. I just hope to enjoy the time I have, no matter how long it is. None of us know when the piper will come calling.

Meanwhile, there are never-ending to-do lists to cross off.

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